Friday, November 20, 2015

Design or steel retractable ball-point pen

Writing instruments have always been and, probably, will always be one of the most interesting subjects in my design work. I designed a steel pen and my wife designed a packaging concept for blister pack for it.

Designed by Gennadi Fedorov and Alla Fedorov

Spraying devices using mouth blow of a user. Part-3

 Years ago, while working as design manager in one of quite re-known US toy companies I met with inventor from UK, who invented ingenious device - "Blo-Pen". His name is Terence Bolton. His personality and his work inspired me to create a series of similar products for kids. Major difference is that I dislike using markers as source of inks for spraying as I have never seen markers produce stable uniform and high quality spraying patterns. I like using liquid inks for my spraying devices. So, I designed several versions of my own blow-pens, that is, airbrushes which use air from user's mouth for spraying.

Designed by Gennadi Fedorov

Spraying devices using mouth blow of a user. Part-2

Years ago, while working as design manager in one of quite re-known US toy companies I met with inventor from UK, who invented ingenious device - "Blo-Pen". His name is Terence Bolton. His personality and his work inspired me to create a series of similar products for kids. Major difference is that I dislike using markers as source of inks for spraying as I have never seen markers produce stable uniform and high quality spraying patterns. I like using liquid inks for my spraying devices. So, I designed several versions of my own blow-pens, that is, airbrushes which use air from user's mouth for spraying.

Designed by Gennadi Fedorov

Monday, November 9, 2015

Spraying devices using mouth blow of a user. Part-1

Years ago, while working as design manager in one of quite re-known US toy companies I met with inventor from UK, who invented ingenious device - "Blo-Pen". His name is Terence Bolton. His personality and his work inspired me to create a series of similar products for kids. Major difference is that I dislike using markers as source of inks for spraying as I have never seen markers produce stable uniform and high quality spraying patterns. I like using liquid inks for my spraying devices. So, I dessigned several versions of my own blow-pens, that is, airbrushes which use air from user's mouth for spraying.  

Design by Gennadi Fedorov

Friday, November 6, 2015

Cosmetic airbrush patented technology for spraying facial makeup.

A while ago I designed a patented technology for Manhattan-based cosmetic company Temptu, Inc. In short, I designed airbrush system for spraying cosmetic liquids using self-contained cartridge system. This invention was awarded 6 US utility patents and at least one more is currently pending. I designed two systems for Temptu - one that uses external source of air - compressor. Second design is more portable battery-operated unit, which is shown below. It was introduced to consumer market just a month ago.

Designed by Bressler Group, based on patents developed by Gennadi Fedorov

Thursday, November 5, 2015

"Double-Click" patented mechanical pencil

Idea for this novelty pencil came up in my mind while I was making a drawing, using a cheap plastic Chinese-made mechanical pencil with so called "side-click led advance system". I needed to erase few lines and realized that small eraser in the back of my pencil was almost gone. This was annoying since I hate to have interruptions during my "creative process". I just thought that instead of having a small and short eraser it could easily accommodate a longer one. There was a room inside pencil for that. But then how to pull eraser out fast and easy? And then I thought of an additional button, which could move eraser out in small increments from the rear of pencil just as button on the pencil in my hands was doing with the graphite led...

This above was one of the design versions where buttons were spread far apart.

Designed by Gennadi Fedorov

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Designing writing instruments again.

Back to designing writing instruments! Below are few quick black-and-white sketches of quite non-standard looking pens. They may be a bit too flashy for my taste. A lot depends on the manufacturing - quality of production and proper materials selection.

Designed by Gennadi Fedorov